Saturday, September 29, 2018

WBCS Polity and Constitution MCQs Prelims and Mains

Source of Ancient Indian History - Multiple Choice Questions P2

11. Which part of Rig Veda considered to be written in later Veda age?
(A) 3rd mandala
(B) 7th mandala
(C) 9th mandala
(D) 10th mandala.

Correct Answer: [D] 10th mandala.
Explanation:1st and 10th mandala were written in the later Vedic age. 2nd to 9th mandala or books were written early Vedic era. The Vedic era is considered to be 1500 BC to 600 BC. Where 1000 BC to 600 BC is called the later Vedic era.

12. Satyameva Jayate was taken from which book?
(A) Budhacharita
(B) Arthasastra
(C) Mundaka Upnishida
(D) Mahabharata.

Correct Answer: [C] Mundaka Upnishida.
Explanation: The Upanishads are a collection of texts of religious and philosophical nature, written in India probably between c. 800 BCE and c. 500 BCE. It played an important role in the development of spiritual ideas in ancient India, marking a transition from Vedic ritualism to new ideas and institutions. The Mundaka Upanishad contains the phrase Satyameva Jayate. 

13. Vikramanka Deva Charita was authored by?
(A) Kalhana
(B) Bilhana
(C) Sudrak
(D) Bishakdutta.

Correct Answer: [B] Bilhana.

14. What is the meaning of the word "Tripitaka"?
(A) Book
(B) Truth
(C) Conclusion
(D) Basket.

Correct Answer: [D] Basket.
Explanation: Tripitaka means three baskets. These are Vinaya Pitaka, Sutta Pitaka, and Abhidhamma Pitaka. Vinaya Pitaka and Sutta Pitaka were compiled in the first Buddhist council in 483 BC, soon after the Mahaparinirvana of Gautam Buddha. It was organized under the patronage of Ajatshatru, at Rajgriha, in the Sattapani Cave

15. Dadashanga contain religious preach of?
(A) Budha
(B) Mahaveera
(C) Rishabhanatha
(D) Sankaracharya.

Correct Answer: [B] Mahaveera.
Explanation: Agamas are texts of Jainism based on the discourses of the Tirthankara. Mahavira was the last Tirthankara(24th). The symbol used for him is the lion. 1st Tirthankara was Rishabhanatha and 23rd Tirthankara was Parshvanatha. 

16. Vikramankadevacharita contain the achievement of which king?
(A) Vikramaditya I
(B) Vikramaditya VI
(C) Vikramaditya II
(D) Skandagupta.

Correct Answer: [B] Vikramaditya VI.
Explanation: Western Chalukya king Vikramaditya VI noted for his patronage of art and letters. Kashmiri poet Bilhana who came to his court and earned the title  Vidyapati ("pundit"), and wrote a book on the life of his patron king in Vikramankadevacharita.

17. Ganjam inscription depicts about which king?
(A) Karbala
(B) Samudra Gupta
(C) Sasanka
(D) Rudradaman.

Correct Answer: [C] Sasanka.
Explanation: Ganjam depicts about Gauda king Sasanka. His capital was at Karnasubarna, in present-day Murshidabad in West Bengal of the Indian subcontinent. 

18. The conversation between Buddhist monk Nagasena and Bactria king Menander was written in which book?
(A) C-U-Ki
(B) Fo-Que-Ki
(C) Milinda Panha
(D) Angurnikoy.

Correct Answer: [C] Milinda Panha.
Explanation: The Milinda Pañha(Questions of Milinda) is the outcome of a conversation between Buddhist monk Nagasena and Bactria king Menander I (Pali: Milinda). The text was compiled sometime between 100 BCE and 200 CE.

19. The invasion of Alexander the Great is mentioned in?
(A) Arthasastra
(B) C-U-KI
(C) Milinda Panha
(D) Periplus of the Irithriyan sea.

Correct Answer: [C] Milinda Panha.
Explanation: Indika was written by Megasthinis. He was an ambassador to Indian king Chandragupta Marya. He was from Greek and send by Seleucus I Nicator. Seleucus was defeated by the armies of the Maurya Empire and made peace by marrying his daughter to king Chandragupta and send Megasthinis in India as an ambassador.

20. Aryabhatta and Barahamihira were belonged to which period?
(A) Morya Period
(B) Gupta Period
(C) Pala Period
(D) Sultanate Period.

Correct Answer: [B] Gupta Period.



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