Friday, February 28, 2020

WBCS Polity and Constitution MCQs Prelims and Mains

[ Idioms ] Practice Set on OBJECTIVE GENERAL ENGLISH For WBCS P3

English - 03
11. It is high time that India and Pakistan iron out their differences over Kashmir and other issues.
(A) Smooth over an argument or quarrel
(B) Argue out
(C) Find a solution
(D) Harden even further their belligerent attitude

Correct Answer: [C] Find a solution.
12. The president's visit was called off at the eleventh hour.
(A) At the last possible moment
(B) Shortly before noon
(C) At the earliest opportunity
(D) At 11 a.m.

Correct Answer: [A] At the last possible moment.
13. He is not a great lawyer but he has the gift of the gab.
(A) A serious bearing
(B) A silent nature
(C) A talent for speaking
(D) A pleasant face

Correct Answer: [C] A talent for speaking.
14. Waiting with bated breath is to —
(A) Waiting for the dentist with the complaint of bad breath
(B) Waiting to take revenge
(C) Feel very excited
(D) Feel breathlessness

Correct Answer: [C] Feel very excited.
15. The man was willing to undertake the work for consideration
(A) Only for a brief period
(B) On certain terms
(C) Out of sympathy
(D) Against payment

Correct Answer: [D] Against payment.



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